Pay as you throw

Pay as you throw (PAYT) (also called trash metering, unit pricing, variable rate pricing, or user-pay) is a usage-pricing model for disposing of municipal solid waste. Users are charged a rate based on how much waste they present for collection to the municipality or local authority.

A variety of models exist depending on the region and municipality. Waste is measured by weight or size while units are identified using different types of bags, tags or containers. Services for waste diversion, like recycling and composting, are often provided free of charge where PAYT systems are implemented.[1].

There are three main types of PAYT programs:



The two most traditional approaches to disposing of municipal solid waste are a flat-rate system or municipal taxes. All users pay the same municipal taxes regardless of how much waste they present for pickup.[3] Under the flat-rate system there is no link between “the actual costs for waste disposal and individual waste production,” so users do not consider the quantity of waste they produce.[4]

PAYT is based on two guiding principles of environmental policy: the polluter pays principle and the shared responsibility concept.[1] The rationale for PAYT can be divided into three broad categories:


Under a PAYT scheme, some or all of the costs of waste management can be removed from property tax bills, providing more independence in the management and financial of residential waste system.[2] Waste management services are then treated just like other utilities such as electricity or water that are charged by unit of consumption.[3]


PAYT programs are an effective tool in increasing waste separation and recycling, and also encourage waste minimization. The result is significant energy savings from transportation, increases in material recovery from recycling, and reduction in pollution from landfills and incinerators.[3] PAYT programs also encourage producers to develop more efficient designs and environmentally friendly product life cycles.[2]


Waste collections costs are distributed more fairly among the population, and in proportion to the amount of waste each user generates.[2] Free riders are no longer able to have their behavior subsidized, and PAYT is said to promote community sustainability. Household waste is “generally positively related to household income so poorer families are likely to face lower waste collection charges under PAYT systems.”[1]


When there is a change to any established municipal service, public resistance is common.[2] Charging for waste can also sometimes result in illegal dumping (fly-tipping) or the waste being passed to unlicensed or illegal disposal methods.[1] However, most PAYT communities have found this not to be the case.[5]


Urban communities usually offer curbside collection while rural communities provide drop-off collection service.[2] Both the European Union and the US Environmental Protection Agency have published handbooks for introducing PAYT.[6]

North America

PAYT programs operated in California, Michigan, New York and Washington as early as the 1970s, although The City of San Francisco “had practiced a kind of PAYT scheme since 1932.” [4] By 2000, 6 000 communities in the U.S. (20%) and 200 in Canada had implemented user fees for waste management.[2] In 2002 North Americans disposed of 24 million tonnes of waste, with residential sources accounting for 9.5 million tonnes.[2] PAYT programs resulted in residential waste declining from 9 - 38 % and increased recycling from 6 – 40%.[2]


Austria was the first country to implement individual waste charging in 1945, but PAYT did not catch on until the 1980s when efficient and secure electronic identification systems became available.[4] The first city in Europe to implement an electronic identification and billing system for waste charges was Dresden, Germany.[3] Since 1991 the European Waste Policy has required that “part of the costs not covered by revenues from material reuse must be recovered on the polluter-pays principle.” Versions of PAYT are present in municipalities all over Europe.[4]


After being introduced in the 1970s, 954 municipalities (30%) in Japan have implemented PAYT programs.[6] The city of Taipei currently runs a scheme where households and companies purchase specially printed blue bin bags, and place waste in it. The municipal waste management department collects only rubbish placed within these special bags. Called the "Per Bag Trash Collection Fee", this scheme encourages usage of recyclable packaging, as those do not need a special bag and are disposed free of charge. As a result Taipei's waste volume is down 35.08%, and recycling has increased 2.6-fold from 1999.[7] PAYT is also implemented in Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan.[8]

See also

External links


  1. ^ a b c d Batllevell, Marta and Kenneth Hanf. “The fairness of PAYT systems: Some guidelines for decision-makers.” Waste Management 28 (2008): 2793-2800.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Kelleher, Maria, et al. “Taking out the Trash: How to Allocate the Costs Fairly.” C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 213 (2005): 1-22.
  3. ^ a b c d Bilitewski, Bernd. “Pay-as-you-throw – A tool for urban waste management.” Editorial. Waste Management 28 (2008): 2759.
  4. ^ a b c d Reichenbach, Jan. “Status and prospects of pay-as-you-throw in Europe – A review of pilot research and implementation studies.” Waste Management 28 (2008): 2809-2814.
  5. ^ Illegal Diversion - U.S. EPA
  6. ^ a b Sakai, S., et al. “Unit-charging programs for municipal solid waste in Japan.” Waste Management 28 (2008): 2815-2825.
  7. ^ What I Picked Up About Trash in Taipei -
  8. ^ Hong, Seonghoon. “The Effects of unit pricing system upon household solid waste management: The Korean Experience.” The Journal of Environmental Management 57 1999): 1-10.